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News > Spotlights > Julianne Lee

Julianne Lee

Be your own brand and seize opportunity!
Julianne Lee
Julianne Lee

Julianne joined Standard Chartered in 2020 as Global Head of Government Affairs. In her role, she oversees the bank’s government engagement across its international network of over 60 markets. ​

She comes to Standard Chartered from HSBC, where she was Managing Director, International in Group Public Affairs. Prior to HSBC, she spent nearly six years at MetLife as Head of Government Relations for the EMEA region and six years between Lehman Brothers and Nomura following the latter’s acquisition of various business lines of Lehman Brothers International in 2008.​

She started her career in the policy and think tank space in Washington, DC working on what was then known as the Information Superhighway and Cyberspace. In 2000 she joined the World Economic Forum managing a global CEO task force on bridging the digital divide which delivered a set of policy recommendations to the G7-Kyushu Okinawa Summit in 2000.​

Julianne is a member of the board of International Business and Diplomatic Exchange and chairs its trade and investment working group.​

She earned her BA from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and her MA from Georgetown University and has lived and worked in Washington, DC, Geneva and Paris.​


​Julianne's top tip

"Understand and embrace the power of branding, whether that is the Reigatian brand, which will open doors, or your own brand. Decide how you want to be seen and be consistent. Your career path is for you to forge, by putting yourself forward and seizing opportunities as they present themselves. Use your voice and make your case!"

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