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News > Spotlights > Simon Dennis

Simon Dennis

It's all about balance ...
Simon Dennis
Simon Dennis

Simon is a successful management consultant, business owner and entrepreneur. He has advised many leading organisations in the public and private sectors, leading the delivery of large-scale transformation programmes for clients such as GSK, AstraZeneca, NHS Digital, Transport for London and the BBC.

His consulting career began at Deloitte, where he spent 5 years after graduating before joining Moorhouse as employee no.2. There he helped build a leading healthcare and life sciences division and grow the business to 100 consultants.

In 2013 Simon co-founded Gate One, an award-winning business transformation consultancy with a mission to deliver “Meaningful Change” for its clients and employees. Featuring regularly in the UK “Best Companies” index, the business has grown to an international team of c.350 consultants in UK, France, Ireland and US. In 2020, Gate One became part of Havas Group, one of the world’s largest creative and marketing organisations.

Simon was the architect of the Gate One incubator, an entrepreneurship programme through which consultants receive support, training and seed-funding to start their own businesses. He has gone on to advise and invest in many highly successful (and unsuccessful!) UK start-ups, from technology apps to ethical cleaning products to frozen food!

He studied German and Business Studies at Warwick University and Universität Mannheim, Germany.

Simon’s top tip

Think carefully about the balance between breadth and depth in your career: the trade-off between trying a variety of different jobs and professions, and developing deep specialist expertise in a domain area. Consulting is a great way to do both, but not the only way.

Whichever route you choose, say “yes” to the most audacious and challenging roles and projects as early as possible in your career. Don’t just opt for the easy path or change direction when things get difficult. Managing through adverse career experiences is when you learn the most about yourself, what you’re great at, and what you most (and least) enjoy. They’re also the source of the best stories from your career that you can look back on later.

Of course, saying “no” is an important skill to learn too, but that can generally wait until later in your career.

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