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News > Spotlights > Charlotte Chinery

Charlotte Chinery

I secured a 12-month placement as an Architectural Assistant, with the help of a fellow Reigatian and the RGS Foundation!
Charlotte Chinery
Charlotte Chinery

Since leaving RGS in 2022, after completing my A-levels, I have been pursuing my Architecture degree at Loughborough University. The Architecture course at Loughborough University is a sandwich-based course, where a year in industry is carried out between the second and third year of studies. I was in the position of finding a placement opportunity as a Part 1 Architectural Assistant and went through the RGS Foundation to seek contacts of those who are in the Reigatian community, who work in the architectural industry.

Via the RGS Foundation, I was passed on the contact details of Tony, an RGS alumni, who works at PLP Architecture, in London.

After connecting with Tony, I forwarded my portfolio of exemplar works, along with my CV and, after a successful interview, I was offered the opportunity to work as a Part 1 Architectural Assistant for my placement year at PLP Architecture. 

I am extremely grateful to the RGS Foundation for having helped me secure a placement for the year and I am thoroughly looking forward to working at PLP Architecture and gaining valuable experience within the industry. RGS Foundation were extremely helpful and supportive with their help in finding a placement and may I take this opportunity to thank Tracey Thornton for all her engagement and correspondence.

I hope to keep in contact with the RGS Foundation in the future to connect with others in the industry going forward and to personally be able to offer any help/advice to others who may with to contact the RGS Foundation.

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