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News > Spotlights > Jeremy Leach

Jeremy Leach

Be humble and let your work speak for itself...
22 May 2024
Jeremy Leach
Jeremy Leach

Decades ago, Jeremy graduated with a 1st class honours degree in Physics.  Since then, throughout a long and distinguished consulting career, Jeremy has delivered IT led, strategic & transformational change, both in the public sector and for a host of blue-chip companies. For example:  

Jeremy was part of the core team that managed the (then) world’s largest corporate merger between BP & Amoco – realising $2Bn in annual savings.

Jeremy orchestrated the strategy & planning for HMRC’s £1Bn pre-eminent online services program, enabling (and mandating) citizens and businesses to file their tax returns online.

For the last 10 years, Jeremy has led the global Digital Consulting business for a major IT service provider, acting as a trusted advisor to senior clients, and re-imagining and re-engineering businesses from Lloyds Bank in UK to Apple in California.

Jeremy recently retired from consulting but is about to re-enter the workforce and train to be a Physics teacher!  In this new career, he hopes to enthuse students both with his passion for science and his zest for life!

Jeremy’s top tip(s):

In your early career especially – be humble – do what is asked of you, do that to the best of your ability.  You will quickly be rewarded by more challenging assignments.

And in a similar vein, as your career develops – let your work speak for itself.  My career advancements have all come from being asked to lead, rather than when I have tried to force the issue… your career is a marathon, not a sprint.  

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