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News > Events > We Care Giving Day 2024

We Care Giving Day 2024

Reigatians supporting the local community and showing how much WE CARE!
25 Jun 2024
Showing our local community how much WE CARE!
Showing our local community how much WE CARE!

We hosted our We Care Giving Day 2024 on Tuesday 18 June – Wednesday 19 June. This year we wanted to broaden our impact and and Reigatians, all around the world, joined in to support our local community in a multitude of ways. Firstly, the students from Reigate St Mary’s (RSM) donated school related items to Stripey Stork whilst Chinthurst raised money for The Children’s Trust. All the children from both junior schools then walked 100,000 metres between them to raise awareness of our We Care Giving Day. This year our Giving Day heart mascot visited the junior school children, to squeals of delight – love was in the air! At RGS, students brought in donations for Loveworks (foodbank), Renewed Hope (supporting the vulnerable and homeless) and Stripey Stork. In addition, merchandise from the Lucy Rayner Foundation was also on sale, with all proceeds going to the charity.

Our Sixth Form Foundation Ambassadors sold Giving Day donuts to the RGS community and ‘spin for a doughnut’ was back again in the RGS Foundation office … in exchange for a donation! Chartwells Independent generously contributed the doughnuts and we are ever grateful for their support of our Giving Day.

Throughout the 36-hour event, Reigatians across the world were asked for their support to help raise funds for our We Care Bursary Fund: helping students who are in extremely difficult, unforeseen situations, at their time of need. A series of anonymous pledges helped us to galvanise the support of the global, Reigatian community, for greatest impact.

The funds raised will support three children for a year, giving hope in their darkest time and we are so grateful for your support.

Thank you to everyone who followed our progress, liked, commented and shared our social media posts, brought in donations to support our charity partners, or donated to our We Care Bursary Fund.

The fund remains open should you wish to donate: I wish to donate to RGS Giving Day 2024.

Thank you all for being such a fabulous community and showing time and again how much WE CARE! View the gallery of Giving Day 2024.

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Surrey RH2 0QS

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